Director Sasha Perugini Presents on AI and Study Abroad

On April 18, Syracuse Florence Director Sasha Perugini served as a panelist for a Forum of Education Abroad webinar on Artificial Intelligence and Education Abroad.

Dr. Perugini’s research on this topic started during the pandemic. She began observing more intentionally the selection of content that was offered to her on social media platforms and reflecting on how these platforms are created to narrow us down to a few tags. She grew interested in retraining her social media algorithms so she could have more control over the content offered to her.

She began sharing her research with her students in the communications course she teaches at Syracuse Florence on cross cultural management, which is cross-listed as an international business class. While discussing their forays into the job market, she explained how search engines can vary based on geographical location and how implicit bias affects AI-driven selection of applicants.

Dr. Perugini began presenting her research to a wider audience in 2023 and is currently working on how Study Abroad can help students be more prepared for the AI-driven job market.