ECN380.5 Behavioral Economics (Tsinghua U)

Taught in English. As of Spring 2018, this course counts as an ECN 300+ option for SU Management School majors. In this course we will learn about the theories and evidence that comprise modern behavioral economics. For each topic, we will discuss how the behavioral models expand upon “standard” economic theory in order to capture observed empirical phenomenon in daily life and in the laboratory.  (TU #30700603)

Class taught by Tsinghua University and may not be available every semester. Tsinghua’s exam schedule for this course may require students to stay beyond the regular SU Beijing program end-date.

Registration note: Counts as an ECN 300+ option for SU Management School majors pending ECN Department approval.

Prereq: Intermediate microeconomics

Department: Economics

Location: Tsinghua

Credits: 3