Outside Scholarships

Scholarship & Funding Opportunities for Study Abroad

General guidelines for your scholarship search:

  • Please note that in most cases, you do NOT need to have been accepted into your study abroad program at the time of scholarship application.
  • Check the eligibility guidelines for each scholarship before you begin applying.
  • Check the online application deadline date. The deadlines vary widely.
  • Some scholarships require that you apply several months before studying abroad; other scholarships require that you apply a year in advance.
  • Start early.
  • If your application requires a letter of recommendation, remember to give your professor several weeks lead time.
  • NEVER pay to apply for a scholarship.
  • All universities have writing centers to help students formulate their ideas and craft a good piece of written material. SU students can contact the Writing Center in 101 H. B. Crouse Hall; SU students may also contact Jolynn Parker from the Center for Fellowship and Scholarship Advising (CFSA). The CFSA website has some useful tips for writing applications.
  • Syracuse University students should sign up for an excellent scholarship listserv through SU’s Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid

Scholarship resources:

There are a number of excellent search engines that are well worth perusing for scholarship and funding opportunities. Remember that you are not limited only to study abroad scholarships. General scholarships and awards can also be used to pay for tuition, etc. (even if you are studying overseas). Here are some good sites:

Additional resources: 

Learn more about scholarships related to your program, area of study or identity:

Gilman International Scholarships

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers scholarships of up to $5,000 to U.S. citizens and Pell grant (federal financial aid) recipients. Gilman encourages applications from students from diverse ethnic backgrounds; students going to non-traditional study abroad destinations; students in fields underrepresented in study abroad; and students with high financial need. Students studying a Critical Need Language (such as Arabic, Korean, Japanese, or Portuguese) can apply for an additional $3,000 supplement for a total possible award of $8,000. Funding for fall, spring, and summer study is available. Application deadline is the first Thursday of March for summer/fall/full-year programs; the first Thursday of October for spring semester and summer (early application).

Gilman Program is providing supplemental awards of up to $1,000 each for a Gilman Scholar to conduct STEM-related research abroad as part of their study abroad or international internship program. Students may apply for this supplemental funding as part of the Gilman application. For more information, visit the STEM Supplemental Award webpage

Applicants for the Gilman-McCain Scholarship must be a dependent (child or spouse) of active or activated United States military personnel during the time of application (including Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Coast Guard, Coast Guard Reserve, Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve, Navy, Navy Reserve, Space Force, NOAA Commissioned Corps, and USPHS Commissioned Corps), and also be receiving any form of Title IV Financial Aid.  All applicants must provide proof of dependent status as part of the Gilman-McCain application.

The March 2025 application is open for applicants whose abroad programs or internships start between May 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026. This cycle encompasses Summer 2025, Fall 2025, academic year 2025-2026, and Spring 2026 abroad programs or internships. The application deadline is Thursday, March 6, 2025

Writing Workshops will take place at the CFSA office in 208 Bowne Hall

  • Friday, February 14: Writing workshop #1, 1:00-2:30
  • Thursday, February 20: Writing workshop #2, 10:00-11:30
  • Wednesday, February 26: Writing workshop #3, 3:00-4:30
  • Monday, March 3:  Writing workshop #4, 11:30-1:00
  • Wednesday, March 5: Writing workshop #5, 2:00-3:30

Learn more about the Gilman Scholarship and the application process:

Contact Syracuse Abroad for more information. Visiting students should check with their study abroad office for additional  information about applying for the Gilman.

Study Abroad Scholarships

Named Scholarships

Friends of Syracuse University have made generous contributions to assist Syracuse University undergrads with study abroad costs through Named Scholarships and Travel Grants. Deadlines are November 1 (for study during spring semester) and May 1 (for study during fall semester) each year. The application form is included in the SU Abroad application as a post-acceptance form. Open to SU undergrads only.

NSEP Boren Scholarship

NSEP Boren Award is a highly-competitive scholarship program offering $10,000 for a semester of study abroad and $20,000 for an academic year. Boren Scholarships are awarded for countries, languages, and topics of study critical to U.S. national security. World areas deemed critical to U.S. national security are Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Latin America. (Applications are not considered for Western Europe or Australia.) Preference is given to students who will study abroad for longer periods of time, and who are highly motivated by the opportunity to work in the federal government. The NSEP Boren Award is open to undergraduates and graduates; students must be U.S. citizens at the time of application.

Application deadline at SU is the end of January for study during the fall and/or spring of the following academic year. Summer-only programs (for $8,000 in funding) are limited to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) students. For more info, SU undergrads students should contact Prof. Erika Haber. SU graduate students should contact Prof. John McPeak or Jolynn Parker. Non-SU students need to contact the Boren rep on their home campus.

Read about a student who won the NSEP Boren Scholarship to study in Brazil for the 2016-17 academic year and was profiled on the SU scholarship website.

Critical Language Scholarship

Critical Language Scholarship Program (CLS) is a program funded by the U.S. Dept. of State and provides fully-funded language instruction and cultural enrichment experiences for 7- 10 weeks overseas during the summer. The intensive summer language institutes entail 4- 5 hours of language instruction each day, 5 days a week for approximately one year’s worth of language study. The targeted critical languages include Chinese, Turkish, and a variety of others. Application deadline is in November. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and may be undergraduate or graduate students.

Hear from a student who won the CLS award to study Chinese in summer 2016 and was profiled on the SU scholarship website.

World Partner Program Scholarships

Syracuse University students who participate on one of the World Partner programs run by CETSITCEASEA Semester, and DIS may apply for funding through their organizations. Various types of grants and scholarships are offered including Pell Grant Match (SIT programs only), merit-based, needs-based, and diversity-based scholarships. Check out their websites for more info!

CEA CAPA (programs in Barcelona, Prague and Rome) offers scholarships and grants for eligible students: view scholarships.

CIEE (programs in Beijing, Seoul, Shanghai and Tokyo) offers scholarships and flight vouchers for eligible students: view scholarships.

CET (program in Taiwan) offers scholarships for eligible students: view scholarships.

Amideast (programs in Jordan and Morocco) offers scholarships for eligible students: view scholarships. Complete program application and scholarship application required.

Max Kade Student Travel Grant for study abroad in Germany and Austria: Students planning to study abroad in a German-speaking country during spring or summer are invited to apply for a Max Kade Travel Grant through the German Program at Syracuse University. The awards of $ 1,500 are meant to offset the costs traveling abroad and to make study abroad more affordable. For more information about SU’s three world partner programs in Berlin, Freiburg, and Graz, visit the World Partner page.  The annual deadline is December 1.

University of Sydney has partnered with the Fund for Education Abroad to offer Access Partner Scholarships to undergraduate students from colleges and universities in the U.S., targeted towards students who are from underrepresented demographics in study abroad (i.e. students of color, first-generation, LGBTQ+, First Nations, women in STEMM, student athletes). Eligible students can apply through the Fund for Education Abroad website. 

The Shirk Grant was established to encourage and facilitate undergraduate study in China and East Asia with the goal of cultivating informed leaders today who can address the challenges of tomorrow. The grant awards up to $800 to accomplished undergraduates regardless of year or major, though priority will be given to applicants proposing study in Chinese-speaking environments. Apply now!

The Korea SocietyUndergraduate Korea Study Abroad Travel Grant is a ‘topping off’ grant for U.S. undergraduate students studying abroad in the Republic of Korea who can benefit from support to help defray travel costs to, from and within Korea. The Travel grant is up to $2,000 USD awarded directly to the student. See website for eligibility requirements and dates.

Freeman-Asia program provides scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students to study in East or Southeast Asia in summer or during the academic year. Students must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident at time of application, have a minimum 2.8 GPA, have demonstrated financial need, and have little or no previous experience in the country in which he or she plans to study. Award amounts: Up to $3,000 for summer; up to $5,000 for semester; up to $7,000 for full year. Application deadlines: early October for study in spring semester; late February for study in summer; early April for study in fall semester. See website for exact deadlines dates.

JASSO Student Exchange Support Program offers a monthly stipend to qualified international students who have been accepted to a Japanese university. JASSO is an independent administrative institution established by the Japanese government.

Bridging Scholarships for Study Abroad in Japan offers funding of $2,500/semester and $5,000/year to undergraduates who are U.S. citizens majoring in any field of study. Japanese language study is not a prerequisite. Deadline is early October for study in the spring; early April for fall and academic year. See website for exact dates.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides generous funding to undergraduate and graduate students as well as recent graduates and artists/musicians wishing to study (or intern) in Germany during a  semester, academic year, or summer. American and Canadian citizens are eligible. International students enrolled in a U.S. or Canadian university are also eligible to apply. German language ability is not a requirement for this grant, however students should demonstrate language skills commensurate with their study and research needs.

Masa Israel Journey provides grants and needs-based scholarships for your study abroad program in Israel. Check your eligibility and apply for funding.

Fund for Education Abroad

Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) invests in promising students with financial need who wish to study abroad. Potential applicants who meet the eligibility requirements may participate on any international education program that meets their academic objectives. See website for exact deadlines dates and scholarship amounts.

Awards are intended to support students in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs. Students applying for semester, summer, or full year programs may apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or DACA students currently enrolled in a U.S. university or college. Application cycle for study abroad during the spring semester opens in July and closes in mid-September. Deadline for summer study is in January.  It is not necessary for applicants to have applied or been accepted to a study abroad program. Groups typically underrepresented in study abroad, such as minority students, first-generation college students, and STEM majors, are encouraged to apply.

  • Inclusive Ireland Scholarship: Applicants must be a US citizen or permanent resident, currently enrolled as an undergraduate at a US institution, receiving credit for the program at their home institution, and participating in a study abroad program in Ireland during Spring 2024. Deadline: September 20, 2023

Diversity Abroad Overseas Ambassador Scholarship offers five $500 scholarships each semester to study abroad students and two for the summer. Economically disadvantaged students, first-generation, students with disabilities, and ethnic and racially diverse students are strongly encouraged to apply. Application deadline is typically June 1 for summer and fall. Typically, November 1 for spring. Check website for exact dates.

Corinne Jeannine Schillings Foundation offers study abroad (“travel study”) scholarships to undergraduate female students who are Silver or Gold Award Girl Scouts and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. $1,000 awards are available for semester, summer and full-year study. Applications are due in May for awards effective for fall, spring, and full year immediately following the application deadline. Check website for exact dates.

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Open to any undergraduate student (you do not have to be a member) who has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 and who attends an institution with an active Phi Kappa Phi chapter. (SU has a chapter; visiting students should check if their home institution has a chapter.) 125 grants are available at $1,000 each. There are two deadlines each year (February and September); check website for current information.

The recipient of the Tortuga Backpack Study Abroad Scholarship will receive $1,000 (and a Tortuga backpack) if their 500-word essay is chosen as the winner. U.S. citizens and international students are eligible. December deadline for study in spring; May deadline for study in fall.

Going Scholarship is offering a $1,500 award to two undergraduate or graduate students who are U.S. citizens or residents each semester. Applicants submit a three- to four-minute video essay; deadline is typically mid-October for spring study abroad and mid-March for fall study abroad.

Check out these additional sources for funds which can be applied to study abroad:

  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund offers over 150 different types of scholarships to Hispanic students. The majority of funds come from corporations and foundations (such as Procter & Gamble, Coca Cola, Verizon, Wells Fargo). Funds can be applied to costs associated with study abroad. Eligibility guidelines require applicants to be one of the following: a US citizen; a legal permanent resident; have a passport stamped I-551; have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA). A single application can be used to apply for multiple awards. Applications typically open on January 1 and are typically due by the end of March. Check website for exact dates.
  • Hispanic and Latino students should check out the many scholarship possibilities posted on this website.
  • Scholarship America provides a variety of scholarships to students in college in the U.S.
  • U.S. graduate and undergraduate (junior or senior) students who are studying at a U.S. university or studying abroad and who aspire to become foreign correspondents are invited to apply for one of 18 scholarships or fellowships awarded by the Overseas Press Club Foundation. December deadline.
  • Lounge Lizard Worldwide is sponsoring a $1,000 Design Scholarship Contest.  Fall semester deadline is typically October. Spring semester deadline is typically February. Check website for exact dates.
  • Women in Computing Scholarship The Dotcom-Monitor Women in Computing Scholarship is open to full-time female students who have either already declared their major or have completed at least one academic year in computer science, computer engineering, or closely related technical field. Award amount is $1,000.  Application deadline is typically in early April.
  • Bright! Tax The Bright! Tax Global Scholar offers at least $1,000 awards for students who are already or will be studying abroad for a semester.  Applicants must be U.S. citizens with a minimum 3.8 GPA. Application deadline typically early June.
  • American Graphics Institute offers multiple scholarships to encourage the use of design and creative thinking across various disciplines and fields. Several scholarships are available each year for students enrolled in any accredited post-secondary degree-granting program in the United States, including undergraduate and post-graduate programs.  Applicants must be U.S. citizens or holders of a valid U.S. student visa Scholarship award, $1000.00. Application deadlines typically in late July and late December.
  • Addiction Resource Scholarship Addiction Resource is a $1,000 college scholarship essay contest. To participate in the scholarship contest, individuals must meet certain eligibility criteria, including be a student pursuing a college or university degree (associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate) or a trade certification in a technical college, be enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution, and be 18 years or older at the time of entry. Check website for exact dates.
  • Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides grants to students actively working for peace and justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded to those able to do academic work at the university level and who are part of the progressive movement on the campus and in the community. Recent grantees have been active in the struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of oppression; building the movement for economic justice; and creating peace through international anti-imperialist solidarity. The maximum grant is $15,000. Applications typically due early April.
  • Delete Cyberbullying Scholarship Award College and graduate students who are committed to the cause of deleting cyber bullying can apply for a $1,000 scholarship to help cover educational expenses.
  • Do Something Awards Enter to win by doing community service and making a difference. No essays, no GPA requirements, no recommendations, no applications…and you can enter multiple scholarships. Check the website for details. Applications typically due end of August.
  • Educational Advancement Foundation The Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation provides undergraduate and graduate students financial support based either on academic merit or financial need. Students do not need to be members of the Alpha Kappa Alpha. Applications typically due early May.  Check website for details
  • Return 2 College Scholarship Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal residents. Answer the essay question: “Why are you getting your degree?” to be eligible for $1,000. Check website for details.  Applications typically due end of each month, January, April, and September.
  • Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship is a merit-based program not based on financial need.  Open to all undergraduate and graduate students who are legal residents of the U.S.; award amount is $1,000. Check website for more info.
  • NSA Scholarship Foundation Undergraduates majoring in accounting should consider this opportunity. Applicants are judged on factors including academic achievement, leadership, and financial need. Deadline is usually in April.
  • Unigo Scholarship is open to legal residents of the U.S. enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education. Answer a fun question in 250 words or less and be eligible to win $10,000. This website is also an excellent source for many, many scholarship opportunities. Take the time to check it out!
  • $2,000 “No Essay” College Scholarship winner is selected by a random monthly drawing. One entry per person but you can apply each month. Open to college students, legal residents of the U.S. or international students with a valid visa.

Writing essays for scholarship applications:

Here are some quick guidelines for writing a good essay. Remember, if you’re asking someone to give you thousands of dollars, you need to put thought, time, and energy into your application! Ask someone to proofread your work. (And don’t trust spell check!)

Planning to return abroad after graduation?

Consider applying for a U.S. Student Fulbright Grant! These prestigious and generous awards allow you to take some graduate level courses abroad and possibly combine it with guided/independent research. The application deadline for the U.S. Student Fulbright Grant for Recent Graduating Seniors is in September of your senior year. This means you will need to be working on your application over the summer prior to returning to campus for senior year. Arrange to meet with the Fulbright Program Advisor on your campus early for guidance and more information. Fulbright grants are also available to graduate students. Enrolled students must apply through their university.