FST380.1 Food Culture and Security

In this course, you will learn to describe the social process of feeding, the diversity of its cultural norms, and the economic and social factors that determine food consumption and safety on a national and regional level. The course provides the fundamental elements for analysis of the problems related to food security and sovereignty in specific social contexts. The class will help provide the knowledge and tools that allow the nutritionist to implement community interventions, considering the cultural, socioeconomic and territorial dimensions of human feeding.

Our goals in the course include:

  • To address food-nutrition problems of individuals, groups and communities, within the framework of public health policies and other social protection policies, with a humanistic and interdisciplinary approach, considering local availability, access to food and social determinants of health, facilitating the active participation of the community, in a given territory respecting ethical and bioethical principles.
  • To analyze human nutrition from a historical perspective, with emphasis on social and cultural dimensions, under the food security approach, recognizing the role of food in human evolution in its biological and sociocultural aspects.
  • To analyze food security in Chile, its contributing economic, social and cultural factors and the policies that affect them, as well as the diversity of food practices, considering current historical conditions and their impact on populations at the individual and collective level.

(UdC #NU05029)

Department: Food Studies

Location: Santiago

Credits: 3