IRP380.22: History of the European Union

In this course the evolution of the European integration process after the 2nd World War will be focused on. Firstly the reasons of the establishment of the European communities (European Coal and Steel Community, European Economic Community, EURATOM) will be discussed. The ups and downs of the European integration process will be analysed, such as establishment of the Customs Union, the Empty Chair Crisis and the Luxembourg Compromise. The reasons of the slowing down of the integration process in the 1970s and increasing dynamism in the 1980s especially with the Single European Act (SEA) will be explored. The establishment process of the single market and single currency (Euro) will be evaluated. The effects of the end of the Cold War on Europe and the transformation of European Community (EC) to the European Union (EU) will be analysed. The enlargement process of the EU towards the countries of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and its institutional and political impacts on the EU will be discussed. Lastly the reforms in the institutions of the EU, decision-making mechanisms and external relations of the EU which were introduced by the Lisbon Treaty will be analysed. (EUS 3331/EUR 2331)

Department: International Relations

Location: Istanbul

Credits: 3