SPA380.6 Modern History II: 1848–1914 (at UAM)

Open only to students accepted to the special program Madrid Center & Liberal Arts in Spanish at UAM

Taught in Spanish. 

PART I: World Modern History (1848–1914)

  1. The Revolutionary Cycle: Characteristics, development and balance of the revolutions in 1848. The movement of the nationalities: Italian and German unification.
  2. The Industrialization and Industrializations: The crisis of 1873 and the first Great Depression. The transformations of the capitalist economic system: case study.
  3. Organization and social movements: Social structure and change from 1848 until 1914.The interventionist state: social legislation and reform. The ideology and practice of social movements.
  4. The democratic transformation of liberalism: The transition towards a liberal democratic state. France: From the 2nd Empire to the 3rd Republic. The interior politics in the 2nd German Reich.
  5. The evolution of nationalisms: The ideological transformation of European nationalisms during the end of the century. The multinational empires: The dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the issue of the Balkans.
  6. Imperialism and International Relations:
    I. Theories and factors that explain imperialism. The sharing of the colonial world.
    II. The Bismarckian systems. The blocks of alliance and “armed peace.”

PART II: Modern Spanish History (1848–1914)

  1. The Spanish Era of Isabel II and the 6 democratic years: The moderate political regime, the creation of a centralized state and the liberal alternatives. The democratic years: The Monarchy of Amadeo I and the First Republic.
  2. The Restoration: The Canovas political system of 1876. Two party system and “caciquismo.” The crisis of ’98 and Regenerationism.
  3. Economy and Society in liberal Spain: The persistence of the agrarian economy. The delay of industrial development in Spain. General traits of the political economy. Social structure and social movements.

Meets with HST 380.6.

(16884, Historia Contemporánea II)

Department: Spanish

Location: Liberal Arts at UAM

Credits: 3