This course introduces students to the practice of advertising, studying how this complex, symbiotic communications business works: the industry as a whole including regulation and ethical standards; advertising agencies and their internal structure; relating with clients and their customers’ needs in terms of conceptualisation and research; and advertising itself, comparing and contrasting examples from the US, UK and other countries. While the course will cover the basics of traditional media, it will also focus on non-traditional vehicles such as word of mouth, social media and shopper marketing. The course builds up to the creation of an integrated ad campaign for a major international brand. The project will be done in small groups competing with one another, from a real client brief, facilitated by industry professionals, and leading to a final presentation. For communications majors and non-majors.
Syracuse students may not receive credit for both ADV 201 and ADV 206.
Satisfies Shared Competencies:
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- Ethics, Integrity, and Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Department: Advertising
Location: London
Semesters: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3