APH340 Topics in Art Photography: Intermediate/Advanced (Fall, Spring)

This course in Art Photography is designed to provide students with a comprehensive foundation in the principles and practices of contemporary photographic art. Through theoretical discussions, hands-on practical assignments, and engaging critiques, you will explore the diverse and dynamic world of image-making. The course will be delivered through lectures, hands-on practical sessions, group discussions, and critiques. Emphasis will be placed on active student participation, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment. The course will culminate in preparing and presenting your work in a final art show.
This is a mixed-level class and meets with APH 243

Students must provide their own digital camera with manual settings (better SLR cameras) and 16-32 memory cards.

Pre-req: APH 243, or an equivalent introductory photo course, or instructor’s approval via portfolio submission.

This course has an associated course fee. See the Course Fees webpage for more information.

Department: Art Photography

Location: Florence

Semesters: Fall, Spring

Credits: 3