For centuries artists, writers and intellectuals have been coming to Florence to learn from its rich artistic heritage as well as explore the city’s evolving and stimulating present. Studying in Florence today links you with this great tradition, raising questions and issues about art and creativity that can be both inspiring and challenging. This course asks the student to reflect upon this experience while learning to work through these questions as part of an artistic practice. We will look at the canon of painting and the process of representation from critical, formal and technical points of view, working with various traditional and experimental approaches as integral elements of the painting process. After a series of structured technical and conceptual exercises, students will develop a long term project that may take the form of painting or mixed media. Creative thinking and decision making will be stressed as well as an awareness of the contemporary dialogue in painting.
Repeatable 3 time(s), 12 credits maximum
Limited enrollment, with preference given to students admitted to Studio Art Program.
Prereq: ARI 261 (Painting Studio I) or equivalent
This course has an associated course fee. See the Course Fees webpage for more information.
Department: Art Intensive Studios: Painting
Location: Florence
Semesters: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3