Race, Gender, and the Media explores sections of British society and their representation via the British print and broadcast media. The course will examine how the United Kingdom’s domestic print and broadcast organisations were established and function today and the influence social and political history has had (and continues to have) on their operation and output. The division of the course into units allows students to explore the chronology of the British media, the evolving composition of the national population and the roots of their contemporary representation. How the representation of the British population — already divided along lines of social class, gender, race, culture, religion, region, ethnicity and sexual orientation — is informed, entertained and self-identifies will be examined via related theories. This will solidify student understanding about the relationship that exists between media history, practice, ethics and social and cultural anthropology.
Satisfies IDEA Course Requirement
Satisfies Shared Competency for Ethics, Integrity, and Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Enrollment priority is given to Syracuse public communications majors who have not yet met their Diversity requirement.
Syracuse Newhouse students:
- This course fulfills the Newhouse diversity requirement within your major.
- Prereq: COM 107 required for Newhouse students (only)
Syracuse students: may not receive credit for more than one of the following: COM 346, 348, 350.
Department: Communications
Location: London
Semesters: Fall, Spring
Credits: 3