CRS325 Presentational Speaking (Fall, Spring)

Conceptual and practical dimensions of formal presentations in organizational settings. Analysis, adaptation, strategic arrangement and development of ideas, verbal and nonverbal presentational skills.

Speaking and presenting comfortably and effectively in public is a life skill. In both personal and professional situations, these abilities can make the difference between success and failure. This course teaches the value of public speaking and trains students in the practical skills of speech writing for different types of speeches and the presentational skills needed to be an effective communicator and participant in public discourse, as well as in the professional world. Public speaking skills are key to professional development, but practice is often intimidating and infrequent and for students it mostly takes place in a non-professional context. This class is specifically designed to strengthen your public speaking and presentation skills and to build your confidence. You will learn how to research and write speeches, how to deliver them with confidence and you’ll learn to establish rapport with an audience, all while practicing and delivering different types of presentations in a safe environment with personalized professional feedback.

Department: Communications and Rhetorical Studies

Location: Florence

Semesters: Fall, Spring

Credits: 3