European cities are generally more sustainable than their American counterparts, with the proportion of material and energy consumed for the daily needs of a single person ranking a third to 50% less, while the quality of life rates higher. This difference derives partly from the pre-industrial origins of European cities and partly from a conscientious effort by politicians and administrators to encourage lifestyle and energy alternatives that reduce greenhouse gases. While laws, techniques and design have a lot to do with the difference, lifestyle is perhaps the strongest factor. In this course you explore the sustainability of European cities through the lens of eco-urbanism. Pursue three methods of study: a critical exploration of the history and social dimensions of ecological awareness; the case study of a European eco-city; and the design of urban sustainability initiatives for urban environments such as Florence.
This course has an associated course fee. See the Course Fees webpage for more information.
Department: Geography
Location: Florence
Semester: Fall
Credits: 3