HOA320 Italian Renaissance Art (Fall, Spring)

Survey of Italian art and architecture from c. 1200 to 1600 with an emphasis on style, patronage, artistic techniques, and the social, political, and devotional contexts of works by major artists and architects. Introduces the art and architecture of Italy from Giotto to Michelangelo and the early Mannerists. Each week focuses on a single artist or topic and consists of a “looking” assignment, a classroom lecture, and a site visit to a monument or museum in Florence.

No previous art history study required.

Registration restriction: You may not register for both this course and HOA 200, HOA 203,  or HOA 424.

This course has an associated course fee. See the Course Fees webpage for more information.

Departments: Art & Music Histories, History of Art

Location: Florence

Credits: 3