HOA464 Modern Spanish Art (Fall, Spring)

Sections may be taught in English or Spanish. Refer to Schedule of Classes. Spanish art and architecture from the late 18th century to the present. Goya and succeeding movements including Picasso’s cubism, the surrealism of Miró and Dalí, and the modernist architecture of Gaudí. Using Goya as a point of departure, illustrated lectures concentrate on the subsequent Spanish Masters in relation to other Realists, Impressionists and Post-Impressionists in Europe and abroad. Includes visits to the Prado, the Sorolla, the Thyssen-Bornemisza, and the Reina Sofía museums (Madrid), and to galleries and exhibits in Madrid and the surrounding area.

When taught in Spanish, meets with SPA 364. Enrollment is limited with preference given to fine arts majors.

Pre-req when taught in Spanish: SPA 201, three semesters of college-level Spanish, or the equivalent

Course-related fee: A fee will be billed from Syracuse to cover the cost of museum entry fees (2023-24 fee = $25).

Department: Art History

Location: Madrid

Semesters: Fall, Spring

Credits: 3