HST300.15 Walking Florence (Fall, Spring)

This course offers a firsthand experience that will enable you to learn about Florence’s unique history and heritage through themed walks providing full immersion in the city aimed at creating a long lasting bond with Florence.
Thanks to this firsthand experience, you will come to know the history of the city through the concrete reality of its art, buildings, streets and urban structure, and will form a special bond with Florence, a sense of belonging arising from the understanding of the structure and shape of today’s city. Exploring the various neighborhoods and areas of Florence, follow traces of the city, both visible and invisible, from Roman times to our day. Which influential families, buildings, architectural styles, art masterpieces and historical events have marked the development of the city? Why is Florence so widely recognized as the home of the Renaissance and as one of the art capitals of the world? How much of its glorious past is still present? And what events have shaped the urban structure of contemporary Florence? To develop this understanding, the course’s combined on-site and off-site methodology will adopt an approach uniting practice and theory. Each walk will be prepared by readings and practical assignments that will allow full participation in lessons in which our classroom will be city of Florence itself. Each lesson will concentrate on a specific topic that will follow the historical development of the city of Florence.

Department: History

Location: Florence

Semesters: Fall, Spring

Credits: 3