ITA421 Patterns of Modernity in 20th Century Italian Literature (Fall, Spring)

Italian literary works marking the transition of Italy from an agricultural to an urban/technological society. Concepts of national identity and modern self.

Taught in Italian. Literature course designed for students who have studied the Italian language for at least four semesters and are able to read original texts and discuss them in class and in writing. Authors will include major figures such as the poets Giuseppe Ungaretti and Pier Paolo Pasolini and the novelists Giovanni Verga and Italo Calvino. We will also watch films and short videos and visit places of interest in Florence.

Prereq: ITA 202 or four semesters of college-level Italian. Students in the Advanced Language or Direct Enrollment programs at the University of Florence can take this Florence Center course to fulfill program language requirement.

Department: Italian

Location: Florence

Semesters: Fall, Spring

Credits: 3