PSC300.1 Energizing Europe: Politics of Energy and Sustainability (Fall, Spring)

In an era characterized by unprecedented global energy challenges, this course is designed to provide you with an initial introduction to the intricate network of policies, regulations, sustainable practices, and diverse energy sources that shape the energy sector. Through a nuanced exploration of various energy sources as a base, we will examine the crucial intersections between policymaking, regulatory frameworks, and the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions in a European framework.

The complexity of government policies and regulations necessitates a foundational understanding, making the course commence with a broad basic overview of different energy sources, with a particular emphasis on Renewable Energy sources. Subsequently, you will delve into the current dynamics of the energy mix, thus coming to understand the intricate relationship between governments and companies. This will include a basic examination of how governments formulate policies based on a country’s strategic needs, the offerings and requirements of energy companies, and the evolving landscape of technological advancements.

This course is designed to provide you with a foundational knowledge of the multifaceted aspects of the energy sector, focusing on the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies and regulations within a European framework. The abstract nature of energy-related issues demands an interdisciplinary and transversal approach, integrating basic concepts from economics, environmental science, and political science. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, you’ll gain insights into the complexities of policy crafting, regulatory frameworks, and the evolving landscape of sustainable practices in the European energy sector (and a comparison with America). The course will also feature an introduction to the various sources of energy, enabling you to grasp the unique policy challenges associated with each.

Department: Political Science

Location: Madrid

Semesters: Fall, Spring

Credits: 3