PSY252 Statistical Methods II (Fall)

In this fall-only course, you will learn how to conduct and interpret statistics that are commonly used by psychologists. Because the focus is on applied statistics, no advanced mathematical techniques will be taught.

Upon successfully completing the course, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify quantitative data for statistical analyses.
  • Choose appropriate statistical analyses to test research hypotheses.
  • Apply statistical tests to answer basic research questions.
  • Use JASP software to conduct basic statistical tests.
  • Interpret and write common statistical reports.

Registration restriction: Enrollment is limited, with priority given to Psychology majors and students accepted to the Health and Science special program. Enrollment during online registration may be limited to only one Psychology course for non-majors.

Prerequisite: Either STT 101 or MAT 121 or MAT 221, or completion of a two-semester calculus sequence (e.g., MAT 285 and 296 or MAT 295 and 296)

Department: Psychology

Location: Madrid

Semester: Fall

Credits: 3