SPA380.3 Ancient History of Rome and the Iberian Peninsula (at UAM)

Open only to students accepted to the special program Madrid Center & Liberal Arts in Spanish at UAM

Taught in Spanish at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and may not be offered every semester. 

Part I: History of Ancient Rome

  1. Geographical and chronological frameworks of the history of Rome. Literary and archaeological sources. The legacy of Rome.
  2. The origins of Rome in the context of the Italic people. Foundation and archaeological reality myths. The monarchy.
  3. The Roman Republic. Institutions, magistracies, and society. The expansion throughout the Mediterranean and territorial administration.
  4. The crisis of the Republic and the establishment of a new political regime: the Principality of Augustus. The High Empire.
  5. The Lower Empire: the administrative and political reorganization of Diocletian. Constantine and the introduction of Christianity. The end of the Western Empire.

Part II: History of the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity

  1. Starting point. The study of ancient Hispania. Sources and methods.
  2. Iberia in the Mediterranean. Colonial dynamics: Phoenicians, Greeks and Punics in the Iberian Peninsula. Tartessus as a paradigm.
  3. The pre-Roman people of the Iberian Peninsula. Iberia between Carthage and Rome: the Carthaginian domain and the Second Punic War.
  4. Roman expansion in the Iberian Peninsula: from Scipio Africanus to Augustus. From interaction to integration, from borders to provinces.
  5. Hispania in the Empire: administration, society, economy, and religion. The peninsular Late Antiquity.

After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a general knowledge of the History of Rome and the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity.
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of archaeological techniques and their application to different historical periods.
  • Plan strategies for the analysis of social change processes, based on the interpretation of documentary, oral and material sources.
  • Search for historical and historiographical bibliography in directories and catalogs and find primary and secondary sources on the web.
  • Synthesize, analyze, and explain complex information (qualitative and quantitative) related to different cultures, geographic spaces, social groups, legal systems, and different historical periods (related to the framework and time of the course).

May also be registered as HST 380.3.

Department: Spanish

Location: Liberal Arts at UAM

Credits: 3