You may wish to undertake an internship for professional development as well as to remain engaged in causes and issues of importance to you while abroad. Syracuse Abroad staff will assist you in finding the right internship or volunteer site. Please note that internships will not be credit-bearing. In recent years students have successfully completed internships and volunteer work at the following institutions and organizations:
- NOMADA – A prominent Human Rights NGO working with Roma
- The Ferdinand Lassalle Centre For Social Thought – a progressive think tank
- The Polski Theatre Wroclaw – one of the most important and visible stages in Poland. In the last year, the theatre has performed in Argentina, Belarus, China, Ecuador, France, Germany, Lithuania, and Russia.
- Szalom Alejchem – The Jewish Elementary School in Wroclaw
- ATUT Bilingual Primary and Secondary School
- The International Institute for the Study of Culture and Education at the University of Lower Silesia
- European Commission in Wroclaw
- House of Peace – NGO focused on urban revitalization and community projects
- Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw
- Wroclawski Teatr Pantomimy im. Henryka Tomaszewskiego – Wroclaw Pantomime Theatre