In-House Medical Services
During the fall and spring semesters, Syracuse Florence employs an English-speaking doctor who comes to the campus for a few hours each week. Students can make an appointment with the doctor by going to the Student Life Office (Villa Rossa, Rm. 10). The visit is a service provided by the university and is, therefore, free of charge.
If a student is unable to visit Syracuse Florence’s in-house doctor, there are other private options. In these cases the student is responsible for all related payments.
All of the recommended clinics and specialists below offer English-speaking services.
Tourist Medical Service Firenze
Address: Via Roma, 4, Florence (near the Baptistery)
Tel: 055-475 411
Gynecologist: Antonella Curcio, M.D.
Address: Via Lamarmora, 26
Tel: 055.575.329
Charges payable in cash at time of appointment.
Dentist: Dottor Giovanni Bindi
Address: Via G. Carducci, 16
Tel: 055-2638544
All major credit cards accepted.
Emergency Room (Pronto Soccorso)
Santa Maria Nuova Hospital
Address: Piazza Santa Maria Nuova, n. 1
Santa Maria Nuova is the nearest public emergency hospital to the Syracuse Florence campus. There is usually an English-speaking physician on duty.
International SOS Card
Syracuse University is an institutional member of International SOS, a company that provides students studying abroad access to a full range of medical information and emergency services, including evacuation. For many years, ISOS has provided emergency medical services for worldwide organizations and corporations.
An ISOS membership card will be distributed to you where you arrive at your destination. Please use the SU membership number (11BCPA000177) to access the ISOS website before you go abroad. Students should sign and carry the card with them at all times or download the smartphone app. Parents/guardians should record the membership number and website address so they also have access.
As a member, you have access to ISOS information services at no charge. These information services range from the website information provided (including country risk ratings, State Department postings, medical travel recommendations, and immunization requirements) to access to medical doctors via phone consultation, referrals to English-speaking doctors, to care assessment and translation services in case of hospitalization
The ISOS 24-hour information services and smart phone application are especially valuable when you are traveling during breaks, or visiting destinations where you have no local contacts and find yourself needing medical advice. Please download the smartphone app, and register your travel information on the MyTrips portal.
Please note that use of actual medical services (beyond information services) is not free. While you have access to ISOS clinics and doctors around the world, you will be responsible for the cost of such services if not covered by your health insurance policy, or the ISIC insurance policy. The ISOS program and membership is not an insurance plan.