Hi! My name is Danielle Luing, Syracuse University Class of 2025, and I am currently a double major in Marketing and Finance with a minor in Sociology. So, study abroad- woo! I chose my specific program because I applied in December of my freshman year. I was, and still am, so young, but wanted to be able to get a head start on my Whitman abroad requirement. I also wanted to be able to get a feel for studying abroad early on in my time at SU, so I could decide if I wanted to go for a whole semester. I chose to apply to the London program as it was important to me to go to a country that primarily spoke English as its primary language since I have Celiac Disease and wanted to be able to communicate with people so I would not get sick from what I was eating.

The course I took was “Business of Nightlife in London”. This has been my favorite course as well as favorite professor I have had during my time here at SU. The professors and staff are so personable and really get to know you so well, in London, since there are not that many students there during each specific block. This really helped me feel more comfortable being in a new country, as I knew I had people who cared about me at the Syracuse London Center. My class really helped integrate me into the new area I was in, since multiple assignments required us to go to London nightlife events and write reflections/study the dynamic of the event. My professor was quite knowledgeable about the subject as he was a club promoter, so he truly knew the industry better as he directly worked with it in the past. This class also allowed for us students to be involved in extracurricular activities, as my professor set up private events for us to go to outside of class- one being a lesson on the art of being a DJ and matching beats.
One of the highlights of my trip was the Syracuse sponsored trip to Oxford. It was one of my favorite experiences during my time in London as I believe it really allowed the group to bond. Not everyone in Block 2 went on this trip, so having a smaller number of people really allowed us to connect. From time spent on the bus, to all living on the same floor at the hotel, to the tours of Oxford where we got to interact with one another, it truly brought us all closer and made us a little Syracuse London family. The school-sponsored trips are truly so worth it, and I would highly recommend taking advantage of everything they plan as they are the experts on that country and will allow you to explore without having to plan everything.
I lived in a four person flat which was about ten minutes away from Faraday House. The housing accommodations Syracuse chooses are better than one would think. At least for me, in London, I felt very safe in the area I stayed in, as it was a community of college students, some being from Syracuse and others from different schools. My roommate and I were able to have our own bathroom, and then my other two housemates had their own bathroom, which was very nice. The kitchen was also a fully functioning kitchen, which made it easy to try to budget and allowed us to cook for ourselves instead of eating out for every meal. I feel like when I look back at the slideshows presented to us at our London meetings, I was worried about how small the flats would be, and we were warned that this was a city and the living quarters were going to be smaller than usual. I was greatly surprised when my double room was actually bigger than my room at Syracuse University, and the bathroom was bigger than the pods I was used to in the dorms. Overall, much better than I anticipated, and nothing to be stressed about before going. New housing options available as of fall 2022.

Studying abroad truly changed my perspective on the world, and made me realize that I do not want to solely live in the U.S. after I graduate. It made me start to think about jobs that would give me the opportunity to live in London, and look into graduate programs that would allow me to take classes in a different country than I am right now. I plan to travel more in the future, as I feel more confident knowing that I was able to adjust once to a totally new country and culture and feel more comfortable doing that again. I’ve learned to be more confident in myself and what I can do, since I never thought I would have the courage to go to a whole new country alone, and end up thriving.
Danielle Luing ‘25
Syracuse London