Covid-19 Plans & FAQ

Our ability to successfully carry out and manage various elements or program sponsored activities and travel will depend on all participants remaining healthy and adhering strictly to Covid-19 safety protocols prior to travel and for the duration of the experience.

Students are advised to exercise caution prior to departure, and during their air travel to limit the chances of contraction of Covid-19. For more information on program-specific Covid-19 regulations, see below.

Florence Center programs

Testing requirement: No program required covid testing prior to arrival, or on program sponsored travel.

Masking requirement: Masking is optional on campus.

Positive cases:

  • Contact Andressa Bavaresco – who will provide additional information and serve as the main point of contact  
  • Stay in the designated isolation location indicated by Syracuse Florence until negative swab. Those who need to see a healthcare provider can contact Andressa Bavaresco –  
  • Lessons can be attended as normal, wearing an FFP2 mask. If students do not attend classes, they will be expected to catch up with lesson content as per any other illness-related absence. 
  • Students may also contact Assistant Director for Students’ Academic Success, Rachael Smith –  to determine the best pathway to meet academic needs. 

London Center programs

Testing requirement: Students are not required to provide a negative test upon arrival to the London program. Testing is required for program sponsored over-night field trips: students must provide a negative test result 24 hours before the trip. Failure to submit a test result will result in exclusion from the field trip. Students testing positive, and close contacts cannot attend Syracuse London led trips.

Masking requirement: While we strongly recommend this, masking is optional while on campus.

Positive cases: When a student tests positive for Covid-19, they must report this immediately to the Student Support Office. They are then given a timeline for isolation depending on their specific situation. Typically, students must isolate for 10 days with day 0 being the first day of symptoms/when student tested positive (whichever came first). Students can end isolation early with negative tests from Day5/6.

Currently, other members of a household where someone tests positive, including those who do not have any symptoms, are required to wear a well-fitting mask for at least 5 days. Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to a positive individual. On day 5 after your last exposure, you will need to test using a self-administered test. If you test negative, continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others and monitor your symptoms through day 10. This applies even if students have been fully vaccinated.

Madrid Center programs

Testing requirement: Prior to Arrival to the Madrid program, covid testing is required 72 hours before students leave their departing airport (PCR), and again on the day of departure (antigen). Students must provide their negative results by uploading both to their OrangeAbroad portal.

Masking requirement: The use of masks at the Instituto Internacional, inside Madrid program offices and in the classrooms is strongly recommended, but it is a personal choice in line with government guidelines.

Positive cases: A five-day isolation requirement will be in effect from the date of the onset of symptoms or the date of the positive test if someone is asymptomatic. Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 must self-isolate for five days and wear a mask at all times. Following the five-day isolation period, the student must take another COVID-19 test and return to the center but continue to wear a mask for an additional five days. Roommates who both test positive will continue to room together.

Santiago Center programs

Testing requirement: No program required covid testing prior to arrival.

Masking requirement: Students are asked to mask during program sponsored trips with extended travel.

Positive cases: There is no isolation requirement. Individuals who test positive are recommended to mask in public for the five days following a positive result.

Strasbourg Center programs

Information forthcoming, contact your International Program Advisor with specific questions.

Central Europe program

Testing requirement: All program participants will be required to take a COVID test upon arrival in Poland.  For the initial six days in Poland, we have created a program to allow students to begin their studies for the fall semester and explore Wroclaw with limited contact with individuals outside of the program. This initial period of limited contact is intended to create a safe social bubble – as much as possible – for participants. We ask students to practice social distancing and limit outside contacts during the initial six days in Poland to ensure a safe launch of the travel seminar. All participants will be required to take a COVID test prior to departure on the travel seminar. Those who develop symptoms during the seminar will be tested.

Masking requirement: Masks will be required on the bus and during all indoor lectures and group site visits. Please bring enough masks to last for the duration of the travel seminar. Syracuse Central Europe staff will also have a supplemental supply of masks available. The use of masks at the DSW University of Lower Silesia is recommended, but not required. There may be circumstances when masks may be required. Staff will communicate those requirements clearly to students.

Positive cases: individuals must isolate for 5 days from the date of the onset of symptoms or the date of the positive test if someone is asymptomatic. The positive case will also be required to wear a mask at all times for five days after the isolation period. If this occurs during program travel, the positive case must remain in the city and miss all visits/activities.

World Partner programs

We continue to monitor World Partner programs’ Covid-19 plans and updates. As program updates are received, applicants will be informed and/or major updates will be posted on the program’s brochure page. Schedule an advising appointment with the World Partner team if you have questions about a specific program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Covid-19 Vaccination Policy

Does Syracuse Abroad require Covid-19 vaccinations or boosters for study abroad?

As of February 15, 2023: Effective for all programs starting after February 15, 2023, Syracuse Abroad will strongly encourage, but not require, all participants to receive the Covid-19 vaccine and/or a recommended booster dose prior to the start of their program. Syracuse Abroad will continue to enforce local Covid-19 vaccine and/or booster mandates where required by law or partner institutions. Similar guidelines will be followed for homestay families. Non-Syracuse University students must still comply with the Covid vaccine requirements of their home school.  
Do I need a vaccination to enter my host country?

It is important to stay updated on country entry requirements, along with airline transportation requirements. We recommend you regularly monitor your airline carrier’s requirements, along with the local host country’s government website. Syracuse Abroad staff also regularly monitor and will communicate major changes in arrival requirements. Presently, the Covid-19 vaccination is not an entrance requirement at any of our center program locations. It is important to keep in mind that a traveler who is not vaccinated will very likely experience significantly more barriers in their travel plans, which may include additional arrival quarantine time and additional testing. 
These elements impacting arrival for unvaccinated travelers must be accounted for when planning financial and arrival logistics, as the cost and time associated with quarantine upon arrival are the responsibility of the unvaccinated student, who is expected to begin the program on the published start date. 
Do I need to be vaccinated to attend classes, restaurants, and social and cultural activities?

In many locations, no – vaccination is not required in order to participate in social and cultural activities at Syracuse Abroad Centers. We recommend that you regularly monitor Covid-19 guidelines and regulations set forth by your host country.


What is Syracuse Abroad’s refund policy?

Students can withdraw from their program or defer their enrollment to a new semester any time prior to the program’s financial commitment date without incurring any financial penalty. See Syracuse Abroad Refund Policy and Commitment Deadlines for more information.  
After the commitment deadline, Syracuse Abroad will work with each student to minimize the financial impact of a withdrawal/cancellation.  Refunds will be consistent with the University refund policy stated on the Tuition, Fees, and Related Policies Bulletin.  Students are encouraged to read the policy.  The actual amount of the refund will depend on a variety of factors including type of housing and the point in time when the withdrawal/cancellation takes place.

Travel & Arrival

How are CDC and US Department of State risk ratings taken into consideration?

We continue to monitor both among other indicators including those provided by local experts and our international service provider, International SOS (ISOS).  In particular, where the State or CDC rating is driven heavily by risks associated with Covid-19, we consider these risks in the context of our active and aggressive efforts to mitigate those risks including a fully vaccinated student population.