Sea Education Association (SEA)

student on SEA boat

Sea Education Association (SEA) is an educational adventure in a study-abroad program, open to students in all majors, that will take you to the deep ocean on a traditional sailing vessel to learn about the sea. The semester long program is for 12 weeks, with half taking place on shore and the other half at sea.

The interdisciplinary program begins in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, one of the world’s great centers for ocean research. There you will study the chemistry, biology, physics, and geology of the oceans and you will design your own research project that you will carry out at sea. You will discuss the major policy issues that will be tomorrow’s headlines, and you will learn what it requires to take a vessel under sail safely to the deep ocean and to international ports.

There are many different SEA programs for Syracuse students to participate in:

Program Type: Field-BasedClick for more info

More about SEA

Blog posts from Kelsie Bottari, Oceans & Climate fall 2024:

Program introduction: Rich King, Professor of Environmental Communication

Introduction to the sea component: Brooke Grasberger, Professor of Marine Environmental History

Oceanographic research at sea: Claudia Mazur, Chief Scientist

Student life and reflection: Talia Felcher, Program Assistant and SEA alumna

Final wrap-up: Brooke Grasberger and Talia Felcher