
The SU Florence Library is located on the ground floor and basement level of the Villino building. With over 14,000 books and DVDs, it’s one of the largest English-language libraries among study abroad programs in Italy. Since 1959, the collection has continuously grown to support the program’s diverse and expanding curriculum.

All books must be checked out at the Circulation & Reference Desk before leaving the library.

Books may be located in:

  • Open stacks
  • Course Reserve (RES)
  • Semester Loan (LIB)
  • Oversize Books (LAR)
  • Faculty Publications (FAC)
  • Guidebooks (FT)
  • Offprints/Reprints (REP)

Fiction for Fun

In addition to academic resources, the library (Sala Dante, basement level) has a large selection of mystery and romance novels that have been donated by departing students or staff and faculty. These are not catalogued as part of the regular collection, so they do not need to be checked out.

Travel Guides

Travel guides for Italy and Europe can be found in a special Travel Guide section in Sala Dante on the Basement level.

Movies and More

Over 600 DVDs in English and Italian are available to all SUF students, faculty and staff. Genres range from comedy to cult, romance, drama, biopics and more. For streaming, see Kanopy c/o Syracuse University Libraries.