Florence Global Ambassadors

Name: Maureen Ferguson ’25

Major: Architecture

Semester Abroad: Spring 2023

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? The main piece of advice I would give to a someone before going abroad is to embrace the idea of existing outside of your comfort zone. My roommate in Florence told me that the phrase that helped her to commit to the reality of studying abroad was “if you’re scared, just do it scared.” Over the course of a study abroad semester you are faced with so many new experiences from food, to destinations, to cultures and people. The only way to get the most out of these opportunities is to fully dive into them even when they seem uncomfortable- speak Italian to the locals, try the food you’ve never had before, go on the trip you’ve always wanted to go on. Once you accept the freedom of not limiting yourself by what appears comfortable, you are able to take full advantage of the potential of an abroad experience.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Health, safety, and support, Preparing for departure

Name: Kara Gorman ’25

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Semester Abroad: Spring 2023

What was your most valuable experience abroad? The most valuable/unforgettable experience in my host country was when I traveled to Turin on my I-Explore trip. I was given a tour of a city that was previously the capital of Italy. The trip leaders knew the area very well and had a lot of knowledge of the smaller insights into the city. Being able to participate in the wine tour and seeing the cellar was one experience that I will never forget.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Disability resources, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Living with a host family, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Race & Ethnicity, Selecting a program option

Name: Marcella Morrison ’25

Major: Biotechnology, Italian Minor

Semester Abroad: Spring 2023

What advice would you give a student studying abroad? There’s always an urge to travel as often as possible but your host city has way more to offer than you’d think. You’ll likely have more opportunities in life to visit those other places for a couple days at a time, but most people won’t have the opportunity to get to intimately know a city and a culture for 4 consecutive months. Becoming a regular of a small locally run business and having them recognize you when you walk in, is such a joy that should be savored. Lastly, don’t hesitate to stray from the big group and travel to other places with a smaller group of friends, or even alone if you feel comfortable. I found the smaller trips I took were the most rewarding and getting to amble around while enjoying company and the sights are some of my favorite memories.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, First time abroad, Living with a host family, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Hayley Scott ’25

Major: Environmental Engineering

Semester Abroad: Spring 2023

What was your most valuable experience abroad? I went abroad by myself with no friend group as most students do and I left with strong friendships that I would not have formed if I did not go abroad. A lot of the students I became friends with were other Syracuse students that I have never crossed paths with and probably would not have if not for the Florence program.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Allergies & dietary needs, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure

Name: Ella Phipps ’25

Major: Environmental Engineering

Semester Abroad: Spring 2023

What advice would you tell a student studying abroad? Take advantage of everything!! Europe is amazing and it is so easy to travel between places, so no matter what their home country is they will be able to go anywhere. If they have a certain place on their bucket list – GO!! Switzerland was on the top of my list and I was so excited to have that dream within reach. 


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Mary Conroy ’25

Major: Environment, Sustainability, and Policy & Policy Studies

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

What advice would you give students studying abroad? The richness of the experience lies in stepping outside your comfort zone and immersing yourself in the diversity of a new environment. Be open to understanding different perspectives, as this will not only broaden your horizons but also foster meaningful connections with people from other backgrounds. For example I found the Italians had many different customs than we do, and they don’t always fit into the stereotypes that we normally categorize Italians into. Saying “yes” to opportunities, even those that may initially seem outside your comfort zone, is key to making the most of your time abroad. The beauty of this experience is the chance to push boundaries and learn about yourself, and I can for sure say that I did.

Contact: mgconroy@syr.edu

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Preparing for departure, Allergies & dietary needs, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad

Name: Abigail Fitzpatrick ’26

Major: History and Political Science

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

What was your most memorable experience abroad? My most valuable experience in my host country was learning and using the Italian language. While I am still nowhere near fluent, it was incredibly empowering to feel like I could be independent in a new country because of my basic understanding of the language. It felt extremely rewarding to be able to order food for myself and my family and see my progress from my first weeks in Florence to the last.

Contact: abfitzpa@syr.edu

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Katherine Garson ’25

Major: Finance & Supply Chain Management

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? My advice to anyone before going to study abroad would be to keep an open mind and limit your expectations. I had to remember that I was attending school, making new friends, adjusting to a new country, and had to deal with the time difference. My main advice would be to keep your expectations realistic and do your best to live in the moment. Some of my favorite days were the times I just aimlessly explored Florence with my friends and got to really know the city.

Contact: kagarson@syr.edu

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Maggie Anderson ’25

Major: Advertising

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

What advice would you give a student studying abroad? I would tell a future study abroad student that it is completely normal to feel lonely and homesick at points during the semester, but to not get caught up in those feelings. Try to experience everything and live in the moment. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel and see different parts of the world. Take advantage of it. Whatever your budget is, find affordable activities to do. Say “yes” as much as possible. Soak it all up while you can. I know how cliché that all sounds but it really is the most important lesson I learned abroad.

Contact: mander32@syr.edu

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Allergies & dietary needs, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock /, Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option