Visiting Student Global Ambassadors

Name: Ricky Maleczka ’25

Major: Secondary Spanish Education

Program: Santiago Center

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

Home university: Wake Forest University

What was your most valuable experience abroad? The most valuable experience I had in my host country was the friendships and individuals I met along the journey. I went to South America not knowing a single person, and I left with friendships and connections I truly could never have imagined. To begin, the host family I lived with was fantastic, and I am beyond glad to have had the opportunity to live with a local family. This brand-new family quickly turned into a household that watched over me with love and care. The transition was quick and welcoming, and I am thankful to have met them. Additionally, my peers in the program were at first strangers but almost instantly became a community. Although nervous at first about the new students, the experience of meeting these new peers and sharing stories was one I will never forget. Finally, the professors I met along this journey have had a lasting impact and were unforgettably supportive. They were not just professors but mentors and family, and they made the scary switch from the United States to Chile easy and enjoyable. This experience of meeting new individuals in a foreign country has had a significant impact on me and will be a memory I will forever remember.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Living with a host family, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Jordan Ries ’24

Major: Psychology

Program: Florence Center

Semester abroad: Spring 2024

Home university: LeMoyne College

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? Adjusting to feeling out of place takes time. Yet, dwelling on discomfort only detracts from the immersive potential of the experience. Instead, I found profound self-discovery after accepting my foreign status and being patient with myself. In Italy, I learned to lean solely on my own experiences, strengths, and resilience. Amidst the scenic landscapes and cultural wonders, I confronted the challenges of being an American in a foreign land. It was in these moments of vulnerability and being unafraid to ask questions where I grew the most.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Living with a host family, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Religious life, Selecting a program option