Strasbourg Global Ambassadors

Name: Emma Crandall ’25

Major: Environmental Engineering

Semester Abroad: Fall 2022

What would you say to a student undecided about going abroad? Studying in a new country with a foreign professor will give you an adaptability to new learning environments that many of you’re peers won’t have. It will allow you to maneuver through difficult or maybe frustration academic and social situations and those skills can then be applied in any working or living environment. Living in another country will give you many other skills that will make you much better at communicating with peers. Being in a country, living in a neighborhood and working with other students that don’t speak the same language creates an opportunity to expand beyond the limits of verbal communication in order to achieve the same goals.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, , Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Living with a host family, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

jillienne in france

Name: Jillienne Ness ’25

Major: Computer Science

Semester Abroad: Fall 2022

What advice would you give to a student going abroad? Do not set any expectations for anything. This is not to be taken in a negative way but instead to meant keep an open mind and do not let what you’ve seen or heard influence your experience and opinions. My favorite cities that I visited were the ones that I carried no preexisting notions or expectations for. Allow yourself to have a genuinely unique experience even if that means realizing that some places or activities are not your cup of tea.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Living with a host family, Preparing for departure

Name: Danis Cammett ’25

Major: International Relations and Applied Data Analytics

Semester Abroad: Spring 2023

What would you say to a student undecided about studying abroad? Choosing to study abroad is a huge choice and one that every student should take their time to think about and understand what they will be getting themselves into. There are many times during your abroad semester where you will experience unique opportunities that are rare or non-existent in Syracuse and even the United States. Being abroad means you will gain a greater understanding of what it’s like to live with people who are fundamentally different from you, even if you are going to a country that is similar to the U.S. I highly encourage that any person going abroad deliberately takes the time to try out new things and get themselves out of their normal routine; try local foods, read and understand local news, make new friends, go to a music festival, etc. Studying abroad is the time for a student to not only discover the world but to discover more about themselves.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Living with a host family, Meeting locals

Name: Ta’Nasia Coleman ’26

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Semester Abroad: Fall 2023

What was your most valuable experience abroad? My most valuable experience while I was abroad was finding black hair products and meeting a black hairstylist that could do my hair. She was very sweet, and was able to speak English. We chatted about are shared experiences in Germany/France, and it made me feel very comfortable to be in a safe space concerning my blackness and hair.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Living with a host family, Meeting locals

Name: Alex Csemez ’25

Major: Communications and rhetorical studies

Semester Abroad: Spring 2024

What was your most valuable experience abroad? I felt a sense of connection and belonging that I had never experienced before. Being in such a small program surrounded by strangers who quickly felt like old friends, I realized the true beauty of travel – the ability to connect with people from different walks of life and share meaningful moments.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Financing study away, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Emerson Long ’26

Major: Physics and Geology (French minor)

Semester Abroad: Spring 2024

What was your most memorable experience abroad? My first weekend in my homestay, my host mom took me to visit her cousin in the countryside. It was really interesting to see what a small French village was like, but it was also a fun opportunity to practice my French. We had coffee and went on a long walk around the vineyards, and I was able to talk with my host mom and her cousin which gave me some ideas about how life is different in French cities vs the countryside. I was also just able to get to know my host mom better, which was a great experience.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Living with a host family, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure

Name: Morgan Meddings ’25

Major: Inclusive Elementary and Special Education

Semester Abroad: Spring 2024

What would you say to a student undecided about studying abroad? Your experience abroad is absolutely what you make it! I know people who traveled nearly every weekend and had incredible experiences. I also know people who did not travel much at all but were involved in local clubs and organizations, getting a super personal and authentic experience. I opted for a sort of balance of the two! I had friends doing internships, taking classes at partner universities, and even performing at local open-mic nights! The staff is there to make sure you figure out how to best tailor the program to match your needs, wants, and goals. Keep and open-mind, and you might surprise yourself with the kind of experiences you walk away with; I know I did.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Preparing for departure