World Partner Programs Global Ambassadors


Name: Nathan Czarnecki ’26

Major: Computer Engineering

Semester Abroad: Spring 2024

Program: Kansai Gaidai University

What would you say to a student undecided about studying abroadTry everything in your power to be able to study abroad. There was never one moment where I regretted going abroad and I can confidently say it was the best time of my life. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that no one should let pass. It helped me become a more independent person and allowed me to be immersed in a different culture which I couldn’t have experienced without going abroad. My most unforgettable moments were experiencing Sakura season, seeing Mount Fuji, and traveling to Okinawa.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Allergies & dietary needs, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock /, Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience,, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Shamila Santana ’25

Major: Finance & Business Analytics

Semester Abroad: Spring 2024

Program: CIEE: Yonsei University

What was your most valuable experience abroadOne of my most unforgettable experiences was visiting Nami Island, which is a river island located in Chuncheon, South Korea. I was able to go towards the end of my study abroad experience, when the weather was a perfect mix of warm. To begin my trip, I rode a seated zipline from the town center onto the island, which allowed me to see the beauty of the Han River and the surrounding scenery. Once on the island, visited the Song Museum where I learned the history behind Korean Pop icons. Afterwards, I biked around the island between the beautiful metasequoia trees while soaking in the tranquil atmosphere. We ended our time by eating Pan-fried Dakgalbi, a Korean spicy chicken stir fried dish, at a traditional family restaurant. The warmth of the hosts and the flavors of the dish made it one of the most memorable meals I had during my time abroad. The combination of adventure, nature, and local cuisine made this day a perfect reflection of the beauty and cultural richness of South Korea.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Allergies & dietary needs, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Race & Ethnicity, Selecting a program option

Australia and New Zealand

laura in australia

Name: Laura Kenneway ’25

Major: Forensic Psychology

Semester Abroad: Fall 2022

Program: University of Queensland

What would you say to a student undecided about studying abroadI would say even if you are on the fence about doing it, please go for it. It may be scary leaving everything familiar behind but the experience you will take away is unbelievable. I was able to travel, meet new people, and learn new customs that I would have never known were out there if I did not jump on this amazing opportunity I had.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Tess Ayres ‘25

Major: Health and Exercise Science

Semester abroad: Spring 2023

Program: University of Sydney

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? For the more serious stuff I would advise them to find times, days, and specific locations to commit to studying. It can be hard to balance it all while abroad and your studies should be the most important thing, it’s why you are there. I would advise students who are going abroad to reach out to other SU students, if possible, who are doing the same program ahead of time. I did this and although my main friends abroad were not SU students for the most part, having reached out to them ahead of time enabled me to quickly find people to explore the new city with.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, First time abroad, Health, safety, and support, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Brady Arruda ’25

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

Program: University of New South Wales

What would you say to a student undecided about going abroad? College is the perfect time to throw yourself into the unknown and explore another country/region of the world while continuing towards your academic goals. You’ll never know what’s out there until you go find out for yourself. Your world view will be vastly expanded.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Selecting a program option, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure

Name: Alexandria Fabrizi ’25

Major: Human Development and Family Science; Public Health minor

Semester abroad: Spring 2024

Program: University of Sydney

What was your most valuable experience abroad? Within my time in Australia, there have been so many truly valuable and unforgettable moments. From witnessing the beauty of such surreal landscapes, to forming new friendships with individuals from across the world, and engaging within a new learning environment, I have had so many amazing experiences. One of my most valuable experiences during this time has been spending a day with local youth in foster care on my campus. Through one of my courses here at the University of Sydney, I was given the opportunity to engage with local high school students, within the foster care system here in Australia, and show them around my campus as well as give them guidance on future options after high school. This experience allowed me to experience my passion of working with youth while abroad, as well as learn more about the culture and society of Australia. 


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Allison Labick ’25

Major: Neuroscience & Health and Exercise Science

Semester abroad: Spring 2024

Program: University of Queensland

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? The best advice I’d give to any student going abroad would be to take advantage of any and all opportunities available. Studying abroad provides a once in a lifetime experience, where you have a huge amount of freedom and independence, as well as being surrounded by many like minded individuals of varying cultures and backgrounds, all while being immersed in a completely different environment and culture. Even grabbing a bite to eat can be a completely new experience, so the best thing to do is step out of your comfort zone and be open to anything that may cross your path, whether it be traveling, taking up new hobbies and trying new activities native to the country you’re in.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Culture shock / Homesickness, Disability resources, First time abroad, Health, safety, and support, LGBTQ+, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Cidney McMahon ’25

Major: Earth Sciences and Philosophy

Semester abroad: Spring 2024

Program: Frontiers Abroad: The Geology of New Zealand

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? Being an African American woman, my advice for anyone but especially students of color is that you should try to do as much as research as possible about the location you are choosing to study in. I think it is very important to understand the culture to an extent before you get there. I chose a host country that is located in the southern hemisphere which means we had opposite weather and have much longer semesters which is something I feel a student should understand before traveling as well. I also think looking at the diversity demographics would be something that should be done to get a true understanding of your location. I personally think planning your travel and vacation breaks is extremely important with the new time you have to explore your location.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Race & Ethnicity, Religious life, Selecting a program option

Name: Catherine Durkin ‘26

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Semester Abroad: Fall 2024

Program: UNSW

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? Your mindset going into studying abroad is one of the most important parts. It’s vital to remember that the experience is only a couple months long, you’re not moving aboard forever, and reminding myself of that made me value my time in Australia more intentionally, as well as put any feelings of being homesick into perspective. Also being open to new experiences, friends, and learning about their culture enriches your time abroad.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Allergies & dietary needs, Culture shock / Homesickness, Disability resources, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Tova Fink ‘26

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Semester Abroad: Fall 2024

Program: UNSW

What advice would you give to a student undecided about studying abroad? I would encourage them to think about their goals for university. Studying abroad provides many opportunities to grow both personally and professionally. While abroad, you will experience a new culture, meet people from around the world, and gain a new, broad perspective. These aspects of studying abroad will set someone apart in the job market, while also transforming their mindset. Going abroad provides newfound independence, curiosity, and adventure.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Culture shock / Homesickness, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Selecting a program option


Name: Janna Vanvranken ‘25

Major: Television, Radio and Film; Mindfulness and Contemplative studies minor

Semester abroad: Spring 2023

Program: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

What was your most memorable experience abroad? Learning in a Dutch classroom, it was a totally different setting and way of learning. Dutch are very life>work compared to America which was a hard adjustment for me. The classrooms were much more personal and required you to be present and active.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, LGBTQ+, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Carly Ward ’24 G’25

Major: Bioengineering, Environment and Society minor

Semester Abroad: Spring 2022

Program: University College Dublin

What would you say to a student undecided about studying abroadI was incredibly nervous going to a new country where I knew no one in my program, but I was open and met some of best friends in Ireland. There will be more semesters at Syracuse, but going abroad is a once in a lifetime experience (for most people) that changed my life and gave me a new perspective on the world and college.

Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Allergies & dietary needs, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, LGBTQ+, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Evelyn Kelley ’25

Major: Television, Radio, and Film

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

Program: DIS Copenhagen

What was your best experience abroad? My most valuable experience in Copenhagen was growing comfortable with public transportation and biking. Growing up in a small, suburban town far from a city, I had absolutely no experience with public transportation. I knew how to bike but had never used it as a mode of transport for everyday activities. At first, navigating busses and metro systems was daunting and overwhelming, but I knew it was the most efficient way to get around, so before I knew it, it was second-nature to use public transportation. 


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Sophia Znamierowski ’25

Major: Biology/Neuroscience

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

Program: DIS Copenhagen

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? Go in with an open mind. You are about to meet so many people and experience a culture so different from everything you are used to, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of sticking to the friends you came with or trying to plan a weekend trip every chance you get. I will say, take advantage of how easy it is to travel to other countries and seek new experiences, but don’t neglect the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in your home country. There were some weekends I had the option to travel but I decided to stay in Copenhagen to experience it more as a resident – this may be one of the only lives you get to live in another country, rather than just as a tourist. Respect the cultural norms and try your best to participate in them, especially if it means biking to class – this was one of my favorite parts of studying in Denmark. Try to learn some of the language!


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Allergies & dietary needs, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Zach Ayala ’25

Major: Finance and Supply chain management

Semester abroad: Spring 2024

Program: DIS Copenhagen

What was your most valuable experience abroad? I went on a trip to Aarhus and a few other smaller cities with my core course in the early weeks of my program at DIS. The class was comprised mostly of business students like myself but also students interested in global policy, environmental science, and other niches of business I do not encounter on my day to day within Syracuse. On our trip we went to various danish companies where they gave presentations about their company, values, and cultural norms associated doing business in Denmark. We were treated to nice dinners and had team building activities that let our personalities shine. I will never forget how this trip fostered community among my class from the start and made the transition to being abroad a little bit easier feeling like I had a built in community from the jump.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Race & Ethnicity, Selecting a program option

Name: Connor McHugh ’25

Major: Business Analytics, Supply Chain

Semester abroad: Spring 2024

Program: DIS Copenhagen

What was your most memorable experience abroad? My most unforgettable experience in my host country was seeing the coronation of the new king in person. The weekend I arrived in Denmark, the coronation of the new king was happening. While this is a significant event in and of itself, it was the first time in nearly 900 years that the Danish monarch stepped down and voluntarily passed their crown to their heir. I went to the royal palace to watch the coronation and it was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. The level of national pride was unbelievable, as everyone in the streets had some sort of Danish flag on them, whether it was a flag, t-shirt, or scarf. That entire weekend, the city was incredibly lively, with bands marching through the streets and fireworks going off at night. It truly made my arrival to Denmark one to remember.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience

Name: Sebastian Talib ’25

Major: Marketing Management major, Sport Management minor

Semester abroad: Spring 2024 (Spring 2023: Syracuse London)

Program: CEA CAPA: Rome

What was your most memorable experience abroad? My most valuable experience in my host country was my Italian roommate who was given to me by CEA CAPA because living with a local who was able to do activities with, introduce you to further locals, and help you with the foreign language was an abroad experience that was so different to my time in London and helped me get off the ground extremely faster and settle into my host country easier.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Cody Wade ’26

Major: Forensic Science and Biology

Semester abroad: Spring 2024 (Fall 2023: Discovery Florence)

Program: DIS Copenhagen

What advice would you give to a student studying abroad? Do not over pack and be ready to connect with new people and expand you ideas of the world. It is a life changing experiences that words struggle to encapsulate, you have to see it yourself.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Allergies & dietary needs, Cultural Immersion, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Living with a host family, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Jamie Cole ’25

Major: Information Management and Technology

Semester abroad: Spring 2024

Program: CEA CAPA: Rome

What was your most memorable experience abroad? Having participated in a world partner program, I found the opportunity to meet and study with students from other universities outside of Syracuse University was the most valuable part of my experience. I was able to make lasting friendships and connections while also diversifying my learning experience. I had to step outside of my comfort zone, and very quickly strangers became close friends.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Allergies & dietary needs, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Grace Wu ’26

Major: Information Management & Technology and Policy Studies

Semester abroad: Fall 2024

Program: CEA CAPA: Barcelona (Short-term program: Mediterranean Food and Culture)

What was your most memorable experience abroad? Something really unique to Barcelona is the La Mercè festival in September. For a week I got to experience traditional Catalan activities through parades, dances, music, and art. All the entertainment was free and accessible throughout public areas of the city. It was a great supplement to my Catalan language course- I learned so much about the history, language, and traditions of Catalonia. It was wonderful observing how passionate the locals are and seeing how my efforts as a foreigner were appreciated. Another unforgettable experience: attending an FC Barcelona soccer game! The game day atmosphere and pride is out of this world.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Selecting a program option, Cultural Immersion, First time abroad, Preparing for departure, Race & Ethnicity

Name: Cheryl Olanga ’25

Major: Computer Science

Semester abroad: Fall 2024

Program: DIS Copenhagen

What was your most memorable experience abroad? Getting to immerse myself in the Danish culture through attending local events, travelling to different European countries, and making friends with people from all walks of life. Being in Denmark and also traveling to other countries opened my eyes to how big the world is, and the plethora of opportunities that exist beyond my scope. Copenhagen is an island, so there are many harbors that surrounded where I was living. When the weather was still nice, my roommates and I would go swim in the harbor and sun bathe, and when the temperatures started dropping, we would go cold plunging. Also, going to their amusement park, which is older than Disney, was a really fun experience. Basically, just getting the full Danish experience of riding my bike to school, going to different bakeries, and practicing hygge when the temperatures started dropping was truly an unforgettable experience that I would not


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Cultural Immersion, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Nafisa Jeilani ’26

Major: Sociology

Semester abroad: Fall 2024

Program: DIS Copenhagen

What was your most valuable experience abroad? What I valued most from my host country is the friendships I made. While at Syracuse University, I have a good time in the classroom and engaging with academia. However, I was having a difficult time making long lasting friendships with my peers, and it began to take a toll on my wellbeing. When I went abroad, I met people who shared similar experiences to mine and were worried about making friends in Copenhagen, as was I. Together we coped and prospered through not only the challenges that you face while being in a foreign country, but the fear of isolation that you bring with you from your home university. The friendships I made abroad are what made the experience worth it, allowing me to have a support system that I never imagined was a possibility, and I will be forever grateful for them.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Cultural Immersion, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Race & Ethnicity, Religious life, Selecting a program option

Name: Katherine Pacini ’26

Major: Neuroscience, Psychology

Semester abroad: Fall 2024

Program: DIS Stockholm

What was your most valuable experience abroad? Living with a host family. I really got to experience Stockholm to the fullest and learn a ton of Swedish traditions that I would not have been able to experience if I was living in a student apartment. Abroad changed my life, which is an incredibly cheesy thing to say, but it is true. I have never been so involved in my own learning and development as a person. I feel that without my experience abroad, I would not have the same drive and passion for the topics I am interested in now.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Living with a host family, Meeting locals, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

Name: Ianne Veta ’26

Major: Physics, Earth Science

Semester abroad: Fall 2024

Program: DIS Copenhagen

What was your most valuable experience abroad? My most unforgettable experience in Denmark was traveling with my class to Mons Klint and Stevns Klint. These are beautiful white cliffs with bright blue water on the south side of the island, Zealand. This beautiful scene felt even more surreal as we were so unsuspecting to the beautiful landscapes that exist in Denmark. In addition to the unimaginable beauty, it was a unique academic opportunity. As an Earth Science major, my previous classes discussed the original evidence proving that dinosaurs were killed by an asteroid. This evidence was found in a rock layer in these cliffs in Denmark. So, I got to see firsthand the exact spot that I had seen pictures of in previous SU lectures, the exact spot where scientists found the proof. Lastly, traveling with my class provided me a perfect opportunity to make amazing friends, enhancing an already great experience.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Preparing for departure, Religious life, Selecting a program option

Name: Aine Power ‘25

Major: Forensic Science, Psychology, Anthropology

Semester Abroad: Spring 2024

Program: University College Dublin

What was your most valuable experience abroad? I got to see super cool dolmens and castles that were off the tourist-type trails and more hidden and unknown because of archaeology classes and field trips! I had never seen so many types of tombs before going abroad. I also won’t forget the connections I made studying in Ireland and all of the people I became close friends with who I still talk to today. I was able to do things I had never done before studying abroad such as hiking at amazing places all around Dublin and Ireland every weekend and being able to easily travel across different European countries. I went all around Ireland and Northern Ireland and went to Belgium and the Netherlands and saw so many amazing historical places.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option

The Middle East

Name: Meghan O’Connor ’25

Major: International Relations & Middle Eastern Studies

Semester abroad: Fall 2023

Program: AMIDEAST Area & Arabic Language Studies (Amman, Jordan)

What was your best experience abroad? As an IR and Middle Eastern Studies major, experiencing Middle Eastern culture in person and having an immersive experience was not only ciritical for my understanding of previous courses taken at SU, but also for my view on the world as a whole.


Topics I’m comfortable discussing: Staying in touch with friends & family, Adjusting to a foreign language, Cultural Immersion, Culture shock / Homesickness, Financing study away, First time abroad, Fitting study abroad into your home campus experience, Health, safety, and support, Living with a host family, Preparing for departure, Selecting a program option