Veterans & Military

Students in military garb
Veterans Day Ceremony

Syracuse University ranks among the nation’s top schools for veterans. The support of military-connected scholars is central to the University’s mission, and includes commitments to affordability, academic success, and a comfortable fit within the student body.

This extends to study abroad opportunities as well! We encourage veteran and military-connected students to explore their study abroad options. And, as a show of appreciation for your service, your application fee will be waived.

We suggest that veterans meet with an advisor at the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA) who can help determine which programs the GI Bill® will help pay for.

Here are some other guidelines for veteran and military-connected students who are looking to study abroad:

  • Students receiving veterans benefits can apply them to study abroad as long as they are making progress toward a degree.
  • If you receive a housing stipend on the Syracuse University campus, you will continue to receive that stipend while abroad.
  • Visiting students (students from schools/colleges other than Syracuse) with veterans benefits can apply and use them at Syracuse Abroad centers.
  • Students receiving veterans benefits must use a VA-approved foreign institution, or an American institution abroad. You can search for approved programs: this includes all five Syracuse Abroad centers, our program in Central Europe, and some World Partner programs.

Interested in studying abroad in Florence?

Learn more about the Daniel and Gayle D’Aniello Endowed Florence Scholarship. Veterans and military-connected students with demonstrated financial need and have an interest in learning about Italian history and culture can study in Florence without cost or use of their GI Bill benefits. Tuition, housing, and a stipend will be provided through the Daniel and Gayle D’Aniello Endowed Florence Scholarship.

NEW: Substantial awards will be available for veteran and military connected students studying in Florence during the semester and summer terms, or through a short term or faculty-led program. Students can reach out to their International Program Advisor for more information.

ROTC Students

There are required courses for the Military Science minor that all ROTC students take during junior and senior year. If an ROTC student wishes to go abroad their junior or senior year, ROTC staff can arrange for distance learning.

Syracuse University Resources:

Syracuse University participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program, agreeing to make additional funds available without an additional charge to GI Bill® entitlements. The VA matches this voluntary contribution.