The following courses are open only to students accepted to the fall-only Santiago Center: Buenos Aires Immersion and Santiago Center programs.
Not all courses listed below are offered every semester. All courses are subject to change. This list includes a sampling of courses offered at Chilean universities that have been pre-approved for SU credit (these courses can be identified by a course number ending in ‘80’). Since Chilean universities do not release their schedules of class offerings until shortly before the semester begins, we cannot guarantee that any particular course in this list will be offered in a given semester. Students should not count on taking (or fulfilling specific degree requirements with) any particular _80 course in this list.
Grades from local partner universities do not post to your SU transcript until our office receives the official transcript from the institution (as late as February for fall semester, and July for spring semester), so you should ensure that this timing will not adversely affect you academically or in terms of financial aid awarding.
- ANT380.1 Chilean Anthropology
- ANT380.2 Continental American Anthropology
- ANT380.22 Political Struggle and Indigenous Resistance in Latin America
- ANT380.3 Anthropology of Religion – Antropología de la Religión
Art History
- HOA180.1 History of Artistic Expression
- HOA380.1 Art of Indigenous Chileans (El arte indígena chileno)
- HOA380.12 Pre-Columbian Art
- HOA380.2 Criticism and Visual Arts in Chile (La crítica y las artes visuales de Chile)
- HOA380.3 Theory of the Avant-Garde
Art Photography
- APH280.1 Photography 1 (Fotografía I ATP212)
- APH280.2 Photography II (Fotografía II ATP214)
- APH280.3 Photography Workshop (PER53 Taller de la Fotografía)
- APH380.1 Photography III (PER44 Fotografía)
- APH380.2 Photography Today
- APH380.3 Applied Digital Photography (Fotografia Digital Aplicada)
- APH380.4 Theory of Photographic Image (Teoria de la imagen fotografica)
- APH380.5 Portrait Photography (Fotografia de Retrato)
- BEN380.1 Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics – Bioquímica y Genética Molecular
- BEN380.2 Fundamentals of Biotechnology – Fundamentos de Biotecnología
- BIO380.1 Microbiology (U de Chile)
- BIO380.2 Wildlife (Fauna Silvestre)
- BIO380.3 General Physiology and Biophysics
- BIO380.4 Microbiology (U Católica)
- BIO380.5 Native Chilean Flora
- BIO480.1 Biological Invasions (Invasiones Biologicas)
Business Administration
Civil and Environmental Engineering
- CEE380.1 Structural Analysis I – Analises Estructural I
- CEE380.2 Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering – Fundamentos de Geotecnia
- CEE380.3 Intro to Environmental Engineering – Ingeniería Ambiental
- CEE380.4 Reinforced Concrete Structures – Hormigon Armado
- CEE380.5 Soil Mechanics – Mecanica de Suelos
Cultural Foundations of Education
- ECN380.1 Political Economy
- ECN380.10 Macroeconomics I
- ECN380.11 Latin American Economy
- ECN380.12 Economic History of Contemporary Chile
- ECN380.13 International Finances
- ECN380.14 Environmental Economics & Sustainable Development
- ECN380.15 Economy and Evaluation of Social Policies
- ECN380.16 Economy and Game Theory
- ECN380.17 Economic Analysis and the Chilean Experience
- ECN380.18 Chilean Economy in the 21st Century
- ECN380.19 Economic Experiences
- ECN380.2 Economy and Public Politics I
- ECN380.3 International Economics
- ECN380.34 Economic Development in Latin America
- ECN380.4 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
- ECN380.5 History of Economic Thought
- ECN380.6 Economics and Philosophy
- ECN380.7 Economic Geography
- ECN380.8 Chilean Economy
- ECN380.9 Latin American Economics (Spring)
- ECN480.1 Topics in International Economics (FMIN70Z Topicos de Economia Internacional)
Electrical Engineering
Engineering & Computer Science
Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises
Food Studies
Foreign Languages & Literatures
- FLL180.1 Mapuche Language and Culture (Lengua y Cultura Mapuche)
- FLL380.1 Politics and Literature
- LAT180.1 Latin I
- GEO180.1 General Human Geography
- GEO380.1 Geography of Chile (SH20515 Geografía de Chile)
- GEO380.10 Urban Geography (Geografía urbana)
- GEO380.11 Sustainable Development and the Environment (El desarrollo sostenible y el ambiente)
- GEO380.12 Geography of Latin America
- GEO380.13 Economic Geography
- GEO380.14 Political Geography
- GEO380.15 Rural Geography
- GEO380.16 Geo-demographics
- GEO380.17 Economic Geography
- GEO380.18 Intro. to the Study of the Relationship Between Poverty, Social Exclusion & Sustainable Development
- GEO380.19 The Asian World and Latin America
- GEO380.20 Housing and Urban Form
- GEO380.21 Risks and Natural Disasters
- GEO380.22 Urban-Territorial Problematization and Intervention
- GEO380.4 Urban Development
- GEO380.6 Cultural Geography
- GEO380.7 Hydrology and Water Resources Assessment (Hidrologia y Evaluacion de Recursos Hidricos)
- GEO380.8 Geography of Chile (Geografía de Chile)
- GEO380.9 Regional Geography of the World (Geografía Regional del Mundo)
- HST380.10 History of Chile and Continental America – 15th and 16th Centuries
- HST380.11 Ancient History
- HST380.13 Indigenous History of Chile and Latin America
- HST380.14 Contemporary Chilean History
- HST380.16 Children and Childhood in History
- HST380.2 18th Century Chilean History and the Independence Revolution
- HST380.21 History of International Relations Since 1815
- HST380.3 Contemporary Chilean History (FH36023-1 Historia Chilena Contemporánea)
- HST380.32 Contemporary Latin American History
- HST380.33 United States Interventions In Latin America, 1898-1920
- HST380.36 History of Colonial Latin America
- HST380.4 20th Century Chilean History (Historía de Chile del Siglo XX)
- HST380.5 America and Chile in the 19th Century (América y Chile en el siglo XIX)
- HST380.9 History of Chile: 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries
- HST406 Contemporary Issues in Chile and Latin America (Signature Seminar; Fall, Spring)
- HST424 Dictatorships, Human Rights and Historical Memory in Chile and the Southern Cone
Human Development and Family Science
Industrial Design
- IND380.1 Design and Digital Creation
- IND380.2 Quality Control for International Markets 1
- IND380.3 Quality Control for International Markets 2
- IND380.4 History of Design
- IND480.1 Design Strategies for Innovation
Information Studies
- IST280.1 Introduction to Interactive Multimedia Production
- IST280.2 Multimedia Theory and Practice (Teoría y Practicas Multimedia)
- IST380.1 Urban Hacking: From Smart Cities to Smart Citizens
International Business
- INB380.1 Business Modeling: Latin America
- INB380.2 Multinational Operations in Emerging Markets: Latin America
- INB380.3 Intercultural Business Challenges in Latin America
International Relations
- IRP334 Contemporary Issues in Chile and Latin America (Signature Seminar; Fall, Spring)
- IRP380.1 Latin American Politics (EGELE515 Política Latinoamericana)
- IRP380.2 Introduction to International Economic Policy
- IRP380.3 Ethics and Government (FMIN70C Etica y Gobierno)
- IRP380.4 Instruments of Foreign Policy
- IRP380.5 Asia, an Emerging Mega-Region
- IRP380.6 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights
- IRP380.7 International Integration in Latin America
- IRP380.8 Human Security and Potential Threats (Seguridad Humana y sus Amenazas)
- IRP424 Dictatorships, Human Rights and Historical Memory in Chile and the Southern Cone
- IRP480.1 International Relations (PER405 Relaciones Internacionales)
- IRP580.1 Conflict and Social Change in Latin America: The New Social Movements
Internship/Experience Credit
Latino-Latin American Studies
- LAS334 Contemporary Issues in Chile and Latin America (Signature Seminar; Fall, Spring)
- LAS380.10 Modern Chilean Literature (FH4727017 Literatura Chilena Moderna)
- LAS380.11 History of Chilean Theater (ATT001 Historía del Teatro Chileno)
- LAS380.17 Contemporary Hispano-American Literature
- LAS380.18 Chilean Art 1 (ATH 001 Arte Chileno I)
- LAS380.19 Chilean Art 2 (ATH002 Arte Chileno II)
- LAS380.2 18th Century Chilean History and the Independence Revolution
- LAS380.20 Contemporary Chilean Art (Arte Contemporáneo ATH002)
- LAS380.21 Cinema as Art (FG0029 El Arte del Cine)
- LAS380.22 Geography of Chile (SH20515 Geografía de Chile)
- LAS380.25 Latin American 20th Century Seminar (Seminario de Latinoamérica siglo XX)
- LAS380.26 Geography of Chile
- LAS380.27 Theory of the Chilean Documentary Film (Teoría del Cine Documental Chileno)
- LAS380.28 Formation of Society of Chile and America
- LAS380.29 Geography of Chile: Space and Society
- LAS380.3 Contemporary Chilean History (FH36023-1 Historia Chilena Contemporánea)
- LAS380.30 Social Policies in Latin America
- LAS380.31 Analysis of Foreign Policy of Latin American Countries
- LAS380.32 Contemporary Latin American History
- LAS380.33 United States Interventions In Latin America, 1898-1920
- LAS380.34 Economic Development in Latin America
- LAS380.35 Formation and Development of Latin American Society
- LAS380.36 History of Colonial Latin America
- LAS380.4 20th Century Chilean History (Historía de Chile del Siglo XX)
- LAS380.5 Latin American Politics (EGELE515 Política Latinoamericana)
- LAS380.9 Modern Latin American Literature (FH4727016 Literatura Hispanoaméricana Moderna)
- LAS424 Dictatorships, Human Rights and Historical Memory in Chile and the Southern Cone
- LAS480.47 Chilean and Iberoamerican Essays (Ensayos chilenos e iberoamericanos)
- MGT380.1 Business Ethics
- MGT380.2 Psychology of Organizations
- MGT380.3 Human Resources Management (Gestion de Recursos Humanos I)
- MGT380.4 Human Behavior in Organizations – Comportamiento humano en las organizaciones
- MAR280.1 Principles of Marketing (IFM 2404 Principios de Marketing)
- MAR380.1 Marketing I
- MAR380.2 Marketing II
- MAR380.3 Product and Branding Strategies
- MAR380.4 International Marketing
- MAR380.5 Markets II
- MAR480.1 International Marketing (IFM 3479 Marketing Internacional)
- MAT280.1 Life Sciences Calculus (Calculo)
- MAT280.2 Business Calculus
- MAT280.3 Statistics
- MAT380.1 Calculus II (Calculo II)
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Music History
- HOM280.1 History of Baroque and Classical Music
- HOM380.1 Music in Chile and Latin America
- HOM380.2 Musical Performance: Process and Results
- HOM380.3 Musicological Models I
- HOM380.5 Chilean Rock Music and the 20th Century World
Music Theory Concepts
Native American and Indigenous Studies
- NAT380.21 Sustainability and Indigenous Worlds
- NAT380.35 Indigenous People in Chile: Borders, Policies and Resistance
Nutrition Science & Dietetics
- NSD280.1 Food and Nutrition (Alimentación y Nutrición Saludable)
- NSD380.2 Communication and Education in Feeding and Nutrition
Physical Education
Policy Studies
- PST380.1 Introduction to Public Policy
- PST380.2 Rural Development
- PST380.3 Economics of Energy and Climate Change
- PST380.30 Social Policies in Latin America
- PST380.4 Women and Workforce
- PST380.5 Cities, Governments, and Quality of Life
Political Science
- PSC180.1 Introduction to International Relations
- PSC180.2 Introduction to Comparative Politics
- PSC380.1 International Organizations (Organizaciones Internacionales)
- PSC380.10 Political Processes in Latin America
- PSC380.11 Introduction to Political Theory
- PSC380.12 Defense Policy Challenges in Current International Scene
- PSC380.13 Regional Politics in Latin America
- PSC380.14 Topics of Strategic Analysis
- PSC380.15 Politics and Social Movements (Política y Movimientos Sociales)
- PSC380.16 Human Rights: Compared Vision – Derechos Humanos: Vision Comparada
- PSC380.17 Armed Conflict & Humanitarian Work – Conflicto Armado y la Politica del Trabajo Humanitario
- PSC380.18 Populism in Latin America – Populismo en America Latina
- PSC380.19 Nationality, Identity and Citizenship
- PSC380.2 Introduction to Law of the USA
- PSC380.20 Modernity and Revolutions in Latin America
- PSC380.21 History of International Relations Since 1815
- PSC380.22 Political Struggle and Indigenous Resistance in Latin America
- PSC380.23 Borders in Latin America: Globalization and Spatial Restructuring
- PSC380.24 Environmental Ethics and Justice
- PSC380.26 International Migrations in Latin America
- PSC380.27 Indigenous Politics in Latin America
- PSC380.28 Global Governance, Origins, Characteristics and Challenges
- PSC380.3 Parties, Elections, and Democracy in Contemporary Chile (Partidos, Elecciones, y Democracia)
- PSC380.30 Politics and Society in the Arab World
- PSC380.31 Analysis of Foreign Policy of Latin American Countries
- PSC380.32 Human Rights in Latin America
- PSC380.33 Water in Chile: Use, Management and Conflicts
- PSC380.34 Sustainability: Politics and Knowledge
- PSC380.35 Indigenous People in Chile: Borders, Policies and Resistance
- PSC380.36 Self-Determination and Plurinationality in Latin America
- PSC380.4 Political Organizations of Chile (Organizaciones políticas de Chile)
- PSC380.5 Chilean Foreign Policy (Politica exterior chilena)
- PSC380.6 Political Development of Chile (Desarrollo político de Chile)
- PSC380.7 International Human Rights
- PSC380.8 Political Corruption in Latin America
- PSC380.9 Introduction to Latin American Politics
- PSC424 Dictatorships, Human Rights and Historical Memory in Chile and the Southern Cone
- PSC428 Contemporary Issues in Chile and Latin America (Signature Seminar; Fall, Spring)
- PSY280.1 Social Psychology (Psicología social)
- PSY380.1 History of Psychology
- PSY380.2 Intelligence, Thought and Language
- PSY380.3 Affectivity and Motivation
- PSY380.4 Psychology of Personality
Public Administration & International Affairs
- PAI600.1 Contemporary Issues in Chile and Latin America (Signature Seminar; Fall)
- PAI624 Dictatorships, Human Rights and Historical Memory in Chile and the Southern Cone (Fall, Spring)
- PAI680.1 Political Economy
- PAI680.10 Multilateral Politics
- PAI680.11 Social Policy
- PAI680.12 International Economic Processes
- PAI680.13 State Reform
- PAI680.14 Civil Society and International Relations
- PAI680.15 Contemporary Political Theory
- PAI680.16 Statistical Tools Applied to Political Analysis
- PAI680.2 Threats to International Security: Armed Conflict and Terrorism
- PAI680.3 Public Policy Analysis
- PAI680.4 Foreign Policy Analysis
- PAI680.5 Country Risk Analysis
- PAI680.6 Parliamentary Roles and Advising
- PAI680.7 Project Management
- PAI680.8 Qualitative Research Methods and Skills
- PAI680.9 International Negotiation
- REL280.3 Anthropology of Religion – Antropología de la Religión
- REL380.1 Introduction to Islamic Culture and Law
- REL380.2 Philosophical Anthropology
- REL380.3 The Concept of God in Latin American Theology
- SOC380.1 Latin American Culture and Society (Cultura y sociedad de Latinoamérica)
- SOC380.10 The Sociology of Big Cities
- SOC380.2 Formation and Development of Latin American Culture (Formación y desarrollo de la cultura latinoamericana)
- SOC380.3 The Family: Continuity and Change (La familia : continuidad y cambio)
- SOC380.4 Theory of Sociology I
- SOC380.5 Sociology of Food
Social Work
- SPA280.1 Spanish in Action (Buenos Aires Prequel) (Fall)
- SPA334 Contemporary Issues in Chile and Latin America (Signature Seminar; Fall, Spring)
- SPA380.1 Interculturality, Diversity, and Social Justice in Contemporary Argentina (Buenos Aires Prequel) (Fall)
- SPA380.10 The Sociology of Big Cities
- SPA380.11 Pre-Hispanic Myths and Voices
- SPA380.12 Pre-Columbian Art
- SPA380.13 Spanish Semantics
- SPA380.14 Women, Music and History
- SPA380.15 Health Sociology
- SPA380.16 Children and Childhood in History
- SPA380.2 Advanced-Intermediate Spanish I
- SPA380.21 Sustainability and Indigenous Worlds
- SPA380.22 Cities in Motion
- SPA380.23 Chilean Folklore
- SPA380.29 Geography of Chile: Space and Society
- SPA380.3 Art, Culture and Society
- SPA380.36 Self-Determination and Plurinationality in Latin America
- SPA380.4 Oral and Non-Verbal Communication
- SPA380.5 Women and Society in Chile
- SPA380.6 Social Work and Family (Trabajo Social y Familia)
- SPA380.7 Popular Music In Latin America – Musica Popular en America Latina
- SPA380.8 (Con)Texts of the Avante-Garde
- SPA380.9 Art, Culture, and the Mapuche Aesthetic
- SPA424 Dictatorships, Human Rights and Historical Memory in Chile and the Southern Cone (Fall, Spring)
- SPA480.1 Chilean Rock Music and the 20th Century World
- SPA480.10 Modern Chilean Literature (FH4727017 Literatura Chilena Moderna)
- SPA480.11 History of Chilean Theater (ATT001 Historía del Teatro Chileno)
- SPA480.12 Asia and Latin America
- SPA480.13 Queer Cinema
- SPA480.15 Contemporary Hispano-American Literature
- SPA480.17 Introduction to International Relations (Introducción a las Relaciones Internacionales)
- SPA480.18 Chilean Art 1 (ATH001 Arte Chileno I)
- SPA480.19 Chilean Art 2 (ATH002 Arte Chileno II)
- SPA480.2 18th Century Chilean History and the Independence Revolution
- SPA480.20 Contemporary Chilean Art (Arte Contemporáneo ATH002)
- SPA480.21 Cinema as Art (FG0029 El Arte del Cine)
- SPA480.22 Geography of Chile (SH20515 Geografía de Chile)
- SPA480.24 Chilean Anthropology (Antropología chilena)
- SPA480.25 Art and Mass Media (El arte y los medios de comunicación)
- SPA480.26 Art of Indigenous Chileans (El arte indígena chileno)
- SPA480.27 Criticism and Visual Arts in Chile (La crítica y las artes visuales de Chile)
- SPA480.28 Sustainable Development and the Environment (El desarrollo sostenible y el ambiente)
- SPA480.3 Contemporary Chilean History (FH36023-1 Historia Chilena Contemporánea)
- SPA480.30 Regional Geography of the World (Geografía Regional del Mundo)
- SPA480.31 Urban Geography (Geografía urbana)
- SPA480.32 America and Chile in the 19th Century (América y Chile en el siglo XIX)
- SPA480.33 Political Organizations of Chile (Organizaciones políticas de Chile)
- SPA480.34 Chilean Foreign Policy (Politica exterior chilena)
- SPA480.35 Political Development of Chile (Desarrollo político de Chile)
- SPA480.36 International Organizations (Organizaciones Internacionales)
- SPA480.37 Formation and Development of Latin American Culture (Formación y desarrollo de la cultura latinoamericana)
- SPA480.38 The Family: Continuity and Change (La familia : continuidad y cambio)
- SPA480.39 Latin American Culture and Society (Cultura y sociedad de Latinoamérica)
- SPA480.4 20th Century Chilean History (Historía de Chile del Siglo XX)
- SPA480.40 Latin American 20th Century Seminar (Seminario de Latinoamérica siglo XX)
- SPA480.41 Modernity and Latin American Literature (La modernidad y la literatura latinoamericana)
- SPA480.42 The Asian World and Latin America (El mundo asiático y Latinoamérica)
- SPA480.43 Analysis of Ibero-Latin American Literary Texts (Análisis de textos literarios de la América Iberolatina
- SPA480.44 Chilean and Ibero-Latin American Poetry (Poesía de Chile e Iberoamérica)
- SPA480.45 Chilean Spanish (El español de Chile)
- SPA480.46 Discourse and Poverty (Discurso y pobreza)
- SPA480.47 Chilean and Iberoamerican Essays (Ensayos chilenos e iberoamericanos)
- SPA480.48 Chilean Literature: Migrant Voices (Literatura chilena: voces migratorias)
- SPA480.49 Detective Story (La novela detectivesca)
- SPA480.5 Latin American Politics (EGELE515 Política Latinoamericana)
- SPA480.50 History of Chilean Photography
- SPA480.51 Aesthetics of Iberoamerican Tales (La estética del cuento iberoamericano)
- SPA480.52 Contemporary Latin American Cinema (El cine latinoamericano contemporáneo)
- SPA480.53 Advanced-Intermediate Spanish II
- SPA480.54 Advanced Language Usage
- SPA480.55 Geography of Latin America
- SPA480.56 The Aesthetic of Film
- SPA480.57 The Prose of Borges
- SPA480.58 Continental American Anthropology
- SPA480.59 Modern and Post-Modern Aesthetics in Latin America
- SPA480.60 Chilean Economy
- SPA480.61 Introduction to Latin American Politics
- SPA480.62 Quechan Language and Culture
- SPA480.63 Quijote Monograph
- SPA480.64 America and Chile in the 20th Century
- SPA480.65 History of America and Chile in the 19th Century
- SPA480.66 History of America and Chile in the 20th Century
- SPA480.67 Contemporary European Theater
- SPA480.69 Navigating José Donoso’s Work
- SPA480.70 Contemporary Chilean Poetry
- SPA480.71 Formation of Society of Chile and America
- SPA480.72 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
- SPA480.73 Chilean and Latin American Narrative
- SPA480.74 Latin American History in Age of the Illustration and Independence (FH363012-2 Historia de América durante la Ilustración y la Independencia)
- SPA480.75 History of Cinema: Evolution of a Language (Historia del Cine: evolución de un lenguaje)
- SPA480.76 Theory of the Chilean Documentary Film (Teoría del Cine Documental Chileno)
- SPA480.77 Autobiographies: New Signs of Identity in Chile (Relatos autobiográficos: Nuevas señas de identidad)
- SPA480.78 Pablo Neruda’s Poetry
- SPA480.79 History of Chile and Continental America – 15th and 16th Centuries
- SPA480.81 Chilean and Latin American Theater
- SPA480.82 Spanish Picaresque Novel
- SPA480.83 Latin American Cinema and Literature
- SPA480.84 Introduction to Chilean Art
- SPA480.85 Overview of the Chilean Novel
- SPA480.86 Spanish Sociolinguistics
- SPA480.9 Modern Latin American Literature (FH4727016 Literatura Hispanoaméricana Moderna)